Hi, my name is Mary, I will be your yoga instructor and I wanted you to know a little about me.

In 2015/16, after 2 MRI’s on my spine, months of being flat on my back due to pain (which can be so exhausting in itself), and a fear of working out because it might make the pain re-occur…I discovered YOGA! Move it or lose it! Balance, flexibility and strength…yoga is a package deal!
My mom passed away in 2016 after falling 3 times breaking bones each time. We are not sure if the first time, the bone broke then she fell or she fell and the bone broke. Either way, I don’t want that to be me or you! We need to have strong bones and balance to handle any trips/slip ups life throws at us. We only get to live this life once and we only get one body to live it in… so treat it well!
I am CYT-500, certified in Restorative, YIN, Nidra, Bonefit trained with Osteoporosis Canada and a Reike Practioner. The learning continues…
I was recently featured in this video describing “How to Quit Your Job”.